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Hubinar: Q&A with Jay Shore

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The Tech Hub is excited to welcome Dr. Jay Shore to a Q&A-style Hubinar on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 from 4:00-5:30PM (Pacific). A pioneer in telehealth and telepsychiatry, Dr. Shore has worked to demonstrate the possibilities of virtual care for improving the lives of patients, and has helped integrate telepsychiatry into modern clinics by addressing its technological, administrative, and clinical implications. This Hubinar will be conducted Q&A style: Dr. Shore will answer any questions related to telepsychiatry, from the general state and future of the field to specific topical areas such as COVID-19. Come with your questions for Dr. Shore or submit them in advance to

Dr. Shore will give a separate talk at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds on Thursday, 1/14. Details to come closer to the date. 

To learn more about Dr. Shore's work, check out his interview with Drs. Laura Roberts and Peter Yellowlees for the APA podcast series, Psychiatry Unbound, or his recent interview on telepsychiatry and COVID-19 on MDedge.