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Hubinar: Innovative Platforms for Research Data Collection

Join the Tech Hub on Wednesday, February 3, 4:00-5:30pm (Pacific) for a Hubinar, Innovative Platforms for Research Data Collection. Dr. David Hong will introduce Project Baseline, a platform founded through a collaboration between Google, Stanford, and Duke that aims to systematically enhance participant recruitment for a variety of modalities of data collection, and to leverage this data to help develop tools and treatments that have clearer promise in clinical care. Mike Hittle, a co-creator of the digital health research platform CardinalKit (currently in beta) and co-instructor of “Building for Digital Health” at the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign, will give an overview of CardinalKit and answer questions about how it can help researchers build digital health research applications more easily and efficiently. A basic tutorial for CardinalKit and team resources are available on their website. For zoom link, contact
