Reset: A Resource Toolkit

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is pleased to share with you selected information to reset for well-being during the time of COVID-19 and whenever life demands. Additional department curated resources can be found here, and also on this site, for well-being and self-care; children, adolescents and parents; schools; and healthcare providers.  We invite you to learn more about the department’s mission and work on our website. Enjoy exploring what resonates with you. Click below to be redirected to the department page for the Reset initiative.

Telehealth Resources

The recent COVID-19 outbreak represents a unique challenge to mental health care in the United States, and places an unprecedented strain on existing delivery systems. Yet, research has shown that the therapeutic alliance can be maintained via telepresence, and that real steps can be taken to transform existing delivery methods to effective telepractice. Below is a list of telehealth resources for mental health care providers.

Mobile Apps for Mental Health During COVID-19

For use in supporting self-care and overall mental health. Designed for Veterans, service members, and everyone else.


An apothecary of mental health apps. Curated by experts to support responsible and informed decisions about digital therapies, and to enhance professionals’ knowledge of available tech.

COVID-19-specific Resources

Resources on pandemics. American Psychological Association.


Rapid review of research on coping during quarantine.


Resources for families on coping during the COVID-19 outbreak. National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

American Psychiatric Association

Details the various aspects of telepsychiatry, including clinical, training, and policy considerations.


Addresses issues unique to practicing telepsychiatry with children and adolescents.


APA’s feed of resources on telepsychiatry.

American Psychological Association

Best Practices in Videoconferencing-based Telemental Health (PDF)

Guidelines on interactive videoconferencing-based mental health services.


An introduction to the ins and outs of real-world telepractice.

Other resources

General tips and resources for cognitive behavioral therapists (BABCP).

Research and Case Studies

Psychotherapeutic intervention by telephone (PDF)


Critical Concerns When Incorporating Telepractice in Outpatient Settings and Private Practice (PDF)


Safety of Telemental Healthcare Delivered to Clinically Unsupervised Settings: A Systematic Review (PDF)